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What does the Quran teach us?

All praise is due to Him Who created man and taught him the explanation and revealed to him the Holy Qur’an which He has made for admonition and healing and guidance and mercy for the believers. In which there is no doubt, nor any kind of corked, but it is straightforward
The Quran guides man in every aspect of life. It is a complete code of conduct and there are internal teachings in it for the guidance of humanity at every stage. But the fact must be kept in mind in which case the Quran shows the way to salvation, why are these complete rules of life?

What is the solution to all the problems of mankind?

The answer is very short and clear. It is important not only to read this last instruction book also to understand it and again this would mean that you have to spend on these processes.

The greatest tragedy of the Muslim Ummah in the present age is that he didn’t understand The Quran and stooped reading it.

What is the field of individual and collective life in which The Quran does not give complete guidance to humanity?

Etiquettes of the Holy Quran

After Miswak and Wudhu, in a place of solitude, one sits facing the Qibla with great dignity and voice. Also with the most heartfelt and humble demeanor that is appropriate at that time. Read in such a way that it is as if he himself is reciting the Holy Qur’an if he understands the meaning.

So, with foresight and contemplation, ask for forgiveness and mercy on the verses of promise and mercy and seek refuge in Allah from a single torment, for there is no helper except Him۔Say Subhan Allah on the verses of purification and sanctity and if you do not cry in the recitation, then try to cry with pain.

The most pleasurable condition for a lover is that he is hugging his beloved in such a way that it rains from his eyes. So, if he does not intend to memorize, then he should not rush to read the Holy Qur’an. Do not talk to anyone in the middle of the recitation of the Holy Qur’an on a pillow or on a high place.

If there is a need, talk to the Holy Qur’an and then start again after reciting the Awooz. If people in the community are busy with their own business, it is better to read slowly, otherwise, it is better to read aloud.

Instructions of recitation:

The Mashaikhs have given six outward and six inward instructions of recitation

Appearance Manners:

  • Firstly, he should sit facing the qiblah with the utmost respect.
  • Secondly, he should not rush to recite it.
  • Thirdly, try to cry, no matter how painful it may be.
  • Fourthly, verses of mercy and verses of punishment, as mentioned earlier۔
  • Fifth, if there is a possibility of hypocrisy or fear of trouble and distress of another Muslim, then recite it slowly, otherwise by voice
  • Sixth, read with pleasure that many hadiths emphasize reading the Holy Qur’an with joy.

Esoteric manners:

First, keep in mind the greatness of the Qur’an, what a great word it is.

Secondly, keep in mind the exaltation and exaltation of Haqq Subhanah which is the word of God.

Thirdly, keep the heart free from obsessions and dangers. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) spent one night reading this verse, O Allah, if Thou punishes them, they are Thy servants, and if Thou forgive them, then lo! Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. Make the heart subservient to the verses that he is reciting.

For example, if the verse is on the tongue of mercy, the heart will become a mere servant. He is speaking and he is listening. May Allah Almighty, with His grace and grace, grant me the ability to read with etiquette and you too. Amen.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The best of you is the one who learns and teaches the Qur’an. Since the Holy Qur’an is the original religion, its survival and publication depend on the religion. Therefore, it is better to learn and read it. Obviously, no one needs it. However, its types are different.

The beauty of it is that it learns with demands and objectives and its lowest level is that it writes only words. It is stated in the hadith that the person who has received the Holy Qur’an has accumulated the knowledge of Prophethood in his forehead.

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