Tajweed – Quran Class Join https://quranclassjoin.com Lets Learn Quran Pak Online Thu, 06 Jan 2022 05:59:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.5 https://quranclassjoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/OQT-Site-Icon-Blue-150x150.png Tajweed – Quran Class Join https://quranclassjoin.com 32 32 Benefits of Quran Memorization with Tajweed https://quranclassjoin.com/benefits-of-quran-memorization-with-tajweed/ https://quranclassjoin.com/benefits-of-quran-memorization-with-tajweed/#respond Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:15:55 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=1664 Allah (SWT) has gifted the Muslims with the Holy Quran, which is a well-protected book. Allah (SWT) has reserved rewards for them in the Holy Quran’s learning, recitation, remembering, and teaching. Anyone who learns the Quran with Tajweed and understands its meaning is guaranteed happiness in this world and the next.

The act of learning the Quran with Tajweed and comprehending it provides Muslims with benefits and virtues in both worlds. Allah (SWT) has bestowed exceptional privileges on Quran memorizers in a variety of ways. He (SWT) will give them a high position in Jannah as a recompense.

People’s lifestyles are so hectic and miserable nowadays that they are powerless against a few mental illnesses that drive them to commit suicide. In this perspective, the Quran is regarded as the most effective treatment for overcoming life’s challenges and bringing peace to the hearts. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,

“The Quran will come on the Day of Judgement and will say, ‘O Lord, adorn him.’ So, he will be given a crown of honor to wear. Then it will say, ‘O Lord, give him more.’ So, he will be given a garment of honor.’ Then it will say, ‘O Lord, be pleased with him.’ So, Allah (SWT) will be pleased with him. Then it will be said to him, ‘Recite and advance in status, and for each verse, you will receive one more reward.”

Arabic language:

It’s difficult to comprehend how much the Arabic language has evolved since the Prophet Muhammad’s life and death because he lived so long ago. Indeed, he lived at a time when English was scarcely a language. People who speak English today would have no idea what it was like.

Despite this, the language of Quran (that is Arabic) has survived the eras thanks to the Muslim community’s dedication. And also, the importance of tajweed of Quran, Tajweed is still an important element of (Islamic) life today, and it is a requirement for Muslim who recites the Quran. the Prophet (ﷺ) said,

“Most of the hypocrites of my ummah are amongst folks that have memorized Quran.”

Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tajwid

Better Understanding:

Tajweed is essential knowledge for any Muslim interested in the Quran’s history, interpretation, and application.

We know that Allah gave the Quran to people not to be read, but to be reflected on and meditated upon. Each Muslim must reach his or her own judgment regarding the lessons of the Quran and how they apply to his or her life. A Muslim’s grasp of the Quran is limited without a thorough understanding of Tajweed.

The text’s beauty:

The Quran is not only a compilation of revelations regarding God’s, man’s, and life’s nature but also a wonderful work of poetry and language. No other sacred text, it is claimed, exhibits the same flow of language and depth of word choice as the Quran. Those who learn the Quran with Tajweed have a deeper appreciation for the poetry of the text.

Tajweed merely means beautification. A Muslim who studies the Quran without ever uttering it will never learn how the text flows in terms of timing, couplets, and rhythm. Tajweed is obsessed with pronunciation and emotion, to the point where a single letter can completely transform the meaning of a word. The Prophet (ﷺ) said,

“Recite the Quran, for it’ll come as an intercessor for its reciters at the Day of Resurrection.” The Quran also saves its reciters and memorizers from the torture of Hellfire.”

Spiritual gratification:

In a hadith of the Prophet, one of the primary benefits of memorizing the Quran with Tajweed is stated:

“Those who can methodically and correctly recite the Quran will be among Allah’s angels. Muslims should take this instruction practically as well as metaphorically.’

Tajweed’s rewards are for all eternity, not just for this lifetime. Despite this, a Tajweed speaker is regarded as a respected member of Muslim society. Students who learn Tajweed online and suffer should not consider themselves failures, because the Prophet says that even those who struggle are successful. The (companion) Uthmaan ask:

“Those who learn the Quran and teach it to others are the best of you.” Individuals who take Tajweed programs online now have the potential to become future leaders and instructors.


Muslims of any age can apply their minds and souls to the Quran by studying pronunciation, delivery, and diction with Quran Class Join. Our students benefit from fascinating courses, online learning flexibility, and world-class instructors

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Learn Quran with Tajweed https://quranclassjoin.com/learn-quran-with-tajweed/ https://quranclassjoin.com/learn-quran-with-tajweed/#comments Thu, 29 Jul 2021 17:09:20 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=1659 Allah’s Arabic-language utterance is known as the Quran. Individuals who endeavor to learn the Quran are among the luckiest people on the planet because they are attempting to comprehend the most profound source of knowledge in the universe, as expressed in the words of the Creator of all worlds.

Correct Tajweed is required to learn Quran with Tajweed. You can learn and read the Quran more effectively if you follow the norms of tajweed. Allah said in Quran:

“Those to whom We gave the Book recite it as it should be recited, they are the ones that believe therein.”


What is Tajweed?

Tajweed is the art of correctly pronouncing the words of the Quran. Students who desire to learn the Quran online with tajweed should start with the (Noorani Qaida).

Noorani Qaida is one of the best resources for learning the tajweed of the Quran. The Noorani Qaida aids in learning perfect Arabic word pronunciation, accent, recitation at the appropriate pace.

Tajweed, in terms of Quran reading and recitation, is a collection of linguistic and phonetic standards utilized in reciting the Quran in the correct manner, as the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did.

Tajwid is one of the Quran’s and Islam’s most well-known sciences.

It is science regulated by deep-seated static norms inherited from the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) oral recitation of the Quran after receiving revelation from the Angel Gabriel (PBUH).

Read more about what is tajweed: https://quranclassjoin.com/what-is-tajweed/

Tajweed’s Rules:

Here are some most important and basic rules of learning the Quran with tajweed:

  • External Etiquette:

Purity of the body, clothing, and the location where the Quran is recited. After reading an Ayah that contains a warning, take a moment to seek Allah’s protection.

After reciting an Ayah that references Allah’s mercy, take a moment to thank Allah for all of the blessings He has bestowed on us and to implore Him to continually have mercy on us.

The student should be sure to use just pure classical Arabic dialect and pronunciation, with no foreign accents or dialectics mixed in.

  • The Heart’s Manners:

Believing that the Quran is Allah’s speech. Before beginning to Learn Quran with tajweed, the student must cleanse his or her mind of all other thoughts.

The reader must fully comprehend the meaning of the Quranic words and also Ayahs that he or she is reciting.

Because the beauty of significance of Allah’s discourse are only revealed to the (humble spirit), the reader must be of humble nature. Every message in the Quran should make the reader feel as if it was written specifically for him or her.

  • Makharij-ul-Huroof:

This tajweed regulation applies to Makharij-ul-Huroof. The numerous locations and places in the mouth, lips, from which the sounds of the distinct letters of traditional ‘Fussha’ Arabic are released are referred to as letter emission points.

· Sifaat-ul-Huruf:

The qualities of the letters are the subject of tajweed regulation. These are known as Sifaat-ul-Huruf, and they allude to the various characteristics of the letters or their “manner of articulation.”

· Thickness and Thinness:

The width and thinness of the Arabic characters are addressed in these tajweed regulations. Some Arabic characters are always pronounced thick and with a heavy accent, whereas others are thin and with a soft accent.


What are the Benefits of Learning Tajweed?

The holy Quran is Allah’s (SWT) utterance, a divine message, kindness, and direction to all humanity from Allah Almighty. It offers information, regulations, and suggestions on all aspects of life, as well as references to the afterlife.

As a result, it’s critical to Learn Quran with tajweed in order to prevent pronouncing Allah’s words incorrectly (SWT). Actually, a single letter error might lead to misinterpretation or incorrect interpretation of the entire verse (ayah).

One day, Allah’s Messenger (a.s.) rose up to deliver a sermon at Khumm, a watering hole halfway between Mecca and Medina. He worshipped Allah, glorified Him, preached to us, and encouraged us, saying:

“I am leaving among you two weighty things, The one being the Book of Allah in which there is right guidance and light, so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it.”



The advantages of Learn Quran with tajweed through the Quran Class Join ability to learn Quran with Tajweed and the proper pronunciation of Quranic Arabic terms without having to leave one’s house. Quran Class Join can help you learn Quran with tajweed.

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What is Tajweed https://quranclassjoin.com/what-is-tajweed/ https://quranclassjoin.com/what-is-tajweed/#comments Mon, 16 Nov 2020 13:26:57 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=1102 Introduction

Online Quran learning puts stock in giving the intensity of the Quran Recitation to its understudies. We have stepped up to the plate and convey an online Tajweed course for the individuals who need to consider the expressions of the Qur’an with flawlessness in our online Tajweed address.

The students realize how to present the Quran with Tajweed capability by taking our online Tajweed instructions. Without committing any errors in the Tajweed rules.

The sole reason for our online Tajweed instructions is to make the children with Tajweed skilled at Quran recitation. Our understudies got conversant in the Quran perusing Tajweed toward the finish of the Quran Tajweed Course. By considering each standard of the way to express every Holy Quran word, they can present the Quran with Tajweed.


The Arabic expression Tajweed signifies “capability” or “accomplishing something admirably” It is gotten from similar root letters as the word Jayyid, signifying “great.”

When added to the Qur’an, when we present the Qur’an, it proposes giving each letter of the Qur’an its focal points and brand name commitment and seeing the guidelines that apply in various conditions to such letters. By examining the essential properties of each letter, we award the letters their advantages.

History of Tajweed

People did not have to think about Tajweed at the hour of the Prophet (SAW) since they examined what is at present named Tajweed, so it was typical for them. Today, since the standard Arabic spoken by Arabs has changed a ton from the customary Arabic revealed by the Qur’an, even Arabs need to think about Tajweed.

Importance of Tajweed

The Noble Qur’an is Allah’s exacting words that He uncovered as an unfailing premise of law for mankind to carry on with an arranged life. It remembers rules and directions for all features of life and references to the Afterlife. As it is so significant, the Qur’an must be perfectly and perused, self-possessed and recounted, so as not to cause some sort of uncertainty or disarray.

His Messenger was inclined to by Allah Almighty, Muhammad (P.B.U.H) (may Allah exalt his mention), in the Qur’an, Saying (what means): “…And recite the Quran with measured recitation.” [Qur’an 73:4]

It is necessary to listen to the Qur’an being recited accurately to soften even the toughest of hearts. Muslims and non-Muslims alike, even though they do not comprehend what is being said, find it a truly touching experience.

Every Muslim needs to present the Qur’an in supplications, yet huge numbers of us don’t realize that it’s anything but a serious science for proficient reciters alone to discuss the Qur’an accurately when adhering to the laws of recitation, yet rather an obligation on all of us at whatever point we recount the Qur’an.

Tajweed rules are being applied to the Qur’an. Toward the day’s end, when the blessed courier Jibreel (Gabriel), May Allah laud his notification, introduced to the Prophet Muhammad the outflows of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam, he related them given a particular objective and indicated the Prophet, sallallaahu’ alaihi wa Sallam, the structures wherein recitation of the Qur’an was genuine.

It is likewise compulsory for us to adhere to those standards to recount them in the way they were reported. Right, when the Arabs began mixing in with the non-Arabs and as Islam spread, goofs began to occur in the Qur’anic recitation, so the laws must be enlisted by the analysts.

Today, since the standard Arabic talked by the Arabs has changed a great deal from Classical Arabic showed up in the Quran, even the Arabs need to learn Tajweed.

Purpose of Tajweed

The Qur’an is Allah’s assertion, and each syllable thereof is from Allah. Their recitation we can be focused on very. By and large, the inspiration driving the Science of Tajweed is to make the reciter qualified to introduce the Qur’an, seeing the right method to communicate each letter with no bending or inadequacy, with the choices and characteristics that apply to each letter.

Furthermore, a short time later, the reciter will introduce the Qur’an on the Prophet’s way through this (PBUH). As he heard it from Jibreel, who got it from Allah that it plunged in the Classical Arabic language.

The ruling of reading Quran with Tajweed

Specifying the principles of Tajweed, Muhammad container Al-Jazaree, the extraordinary ninth-century Qur’an and Hadeeth researcher (Hijri), says in his popular sonnet: “And applying Tajweed involves supreme need, whoever doesn’t make a difference Tajweed to the Qur’an, at that point he is a delinquent.” So he viewed it as a commitment and he found giving up it as an offense.

Benefits of learning Tajweed

  • The reciters of the Quran backbone in the company of the worthy and obedient angels

‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be satisfied with her, relates that the Prophet (SAW) said: “Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels.

And for the person, whether male, female or child recites the Holy Quran with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he/she will have TWICE that reward.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

  • You will be from the greatest of people

‘Uthmaan, may Allah be happy with him, said that the Prophet (SAW) said: “The best of you are the ones who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others” [Al-Bukhari]

  • The Quran will get you to Heaven!

The Qur’an is a middle person, something has allowed intervening, and it is legitimately put stock in. Whoever places it before him, it will lead him to Heaven; whoever puts it behind him, it will guide him to the Hellfire.” [A true hadith found in AtTabaraanee, on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn Masood]

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