Quran memorizing – Quran Class Join https://quranclassjoin.com Lets Learn Quran Pak Online Mon, 27 Feb 2023 10:23:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.5 https://quranclassjoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/OQT-Site-Icon-Blue-150x150.png Quran memorizing – Quran Class Join https://quranclassjoin.com 32 32 What level of dedication required to memorize the Holy Quran? https://quranclassjoin.com/what-level-of-dedication-required-to-memorize-the-holy-quran/ https://quranclassjoin.com/what-level-of-dedication-required-to-memorize-the-holy-quran/#respond Mon, 27 Feb 2023 10:21:30 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=2141 Memorizing the Holy Quran requires a high level of dedication and commitment, as it is a challenging and time-consuming process. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Time: Memorizing the Quran is a long-term commitment that requires a significant investment of time. It can take several years to memorize the entire Quran, depending on the individual’s pace and commitment level.
  2. Consistency: Consistency is crucial in the memorization process. It is important to set a regular schedule for memorization and to stick to it, even when faced with distractions or obstacles.
  3. Sacrifice: Memorizing the Quran may require sacrifices, such as reducing time spent on other activities or social engagements, to prioritize the memorization practice.
  4. Focus: Memorizing the Quran requires a high level of focus and concentration, which may mean minimizing distractions, such as turning off phones and avoiding interruptions during study time.
  5. Support: Having a support system, such as a teacher, mentor, or study group, can be helpful in maintaining motivation and accountability throughout the memorization process.
  6. Spiritual connection: Memorizing the Quran is not only a mental exercise, but it also requires a strong spiritual connection and intention to seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT) and connect with Divine guidance.

Overall, memorizing the Holy Quran requires a deep level of dedication and commitment, which involves sacrificing time and energy for the sake of gaining the knowledge and blessings of the Quran.

What memorization abilities are required to memorize the HOLY QURAN?

Memorizing the Quran is a significant undertaking that requires a high level of commitment, discipline, and focus. Here are some memorization abilities that can be helpful:

  1. Concentration: The ability to focus and pay attention for extended periods is essential for memorizing the Quran. This requires the development of strong concentration skills, which can be achieved through consistent practice and training.
  2. Repetition: Memorization requires repetition, and the ability to repeat verses or passages of the Quran multiple times until they are committed to memory is crucial.
  3. Visualization: Visualizing the text of the Quran can be helpful in memorizing it. Some people find it useful to create mental images of the words or phrases they are trying to memorize.
  4. Association: Associating new information with existing knowledge or personal experiences can aid in the memorization process. For example, relating a particular verse to a specific event or emotion can make it easier to remember.
  5. Patience: Memorizing the Quran is a long-term process that requires patience and persistence. It is essential to set realistic goals and be patient with oneself as progress is made.
  6. Understanding: While memorization is important, it is also important to understand the meaning and context of the Quranic verses being memorized. This can make the memorization process easier and more meaningful.
  7. Reviewing: Regularly reviewing previously memorized verses or chapters is crucial for maintaining memorization and reinforcing knowledge. It is important to make time for daily review and to stay consistent with the memorization practice.


In conclusion, memorizing the Holy Quran is a challenging and demanding process that requires dedication, discipline, and a strong commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and spiritual growth. To successfully memorize the Quran, one must possess a variety of skills, including concentration, repetition, visualization, association, patience, understanding, and reviewing.
In addition to these skills, memorizing the Quran also requires a significant investment of time, consistency, sacrifice, focus, and spiritual connection. However, the reward for memorizing the Quran is immeasurable, as it brings immense blessings and benefits to the individual and society.
Ultimately, memorizing the Quran is a noble and fulfilling endeavor that requires a lifelong commitment to the study and application of its teachings.
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How to memorize the QURAN? https://quranclassjoin.com/how-to-memorize-the-quran/ https://quranclassjoin.com/how-to-memorize-the-quran/#respond Mon, 27 Feb 2023 05:17:44 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=2133

Memorizing the Quran is a noble and rewarding endeavor that requires dedication, patience, and perseverance. Here are some tips that may help you in memorizing the Quran:

  1. Seek guidance and blessings from Allah: Start with making dua (supplication) to Allah and seek His help and guidance in your endeavor to memorize the Quran.
  2. Learn the basics of Tajweed: Tajweed is the proper pronunciation of the Quranic words and letters, and learning the basics of Tajweed will make it easier for you to memorize and recite the Quran.
  3. Set a realistic goal: Set a realistic goal for yourself, such as memorizing a certain number of verses or chapters per day, based on your schedule and level of commitment.
  4. Create a schedule and stick to it: Make a schedule for your memorization plan and stick to it. Dedicate a specific time of the day for Quran memorization and make it a consistent part of your daily routine.
  5. Break it down: Break down the memorization process into small, manageable parts. Start with short surahs and gradually move on to longer ones.
  6. Recite repeatedly: Recite the verses repeatedly until you have memorized them. You can use different techniques such as writing down the verses, repeating them out loud, and reciting them while performing daily activities.
  7. Revise regularly: Regular revision is crucial to retaining what you have memorized. Set aside time for revision every day and revise the verses you have already memorized before moving on to new ones.
  8. Seek the guidance of a qualified teacher: If possible, seek the guidance of a qualified teacher who can help you with the memorization process, correct your pronunciation, and provide feedback on your progress.

Remember, the key to success in memorizing the Quran is consistency, patience, and dedication. May Allah make it easy for you to memorize His Book and grant you its immense rewards.

How long does it take to memorize the Quran?

The amount of time it takes to memorize the Quran varies from person to person and depends on several factors such as the individual’s level of dedication, the time and effort they devote to memorization, their familiarity with the Arabic language, and their memorization abilities.

How long does it take to memorize the Quran

Some people can memorize the Quran in a relatively short period of time, such as a few years or even a few months, while others may take several years or longer to memorize it. It is important to remember that the process of memorizing the Quran is not a race or a competition, but rather a personal journey of connecting with Allah’s words and seeking His pleasure.

It is recommended to set a realistic goal and make a consistent effort towards memorization, regardless of how long it takes. The ultimate goal should be to memorize the Quran correctly and with understanding and to implement its teachings in one’s daily life. May Allah guide us all toward the path of righteousness and grant us success in memorizing and understanding His Book.

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How do I teach my child to memorize the Quran? https://quranclassjoin.com/how-do-i-teach-my-child-to-memorize-the-quran/ https://quranclassjoin.com/how-do-i-teach-my-child-to-memorize-the-quran/#respond Sun, 20 Mar 2022 17:04:50 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=1869 The Importance of Knowing the Quran:


The Holy Quran is the utterance of Allah Almighty. Its structure and meaning are unique and are not found elsewhere in the world. Apart from the depth of meaning contained in the verses of the Quran, the magnificent language of the Quran distinguishes it from all other books in the world, especially Arabic literature. The Noble Quran is one of the most respected books in the world.


Allah the Almighty said of the Qur’an: “This is a Book (the Qur’an), which, no doubt, is a warning to those of the [holy] Al-Muttaqoon (2: 2) (Qur’an)


Those who repeat the Quran receive various blessings and rewards from Allah. By repeating the Quran and applying it in their daily lives, Muslims will be rewarded freely. In Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Anyone who recites the 10 verses (verses) of Qiyaam will not be recorded as one who forgets.” Anyone who reads one hundred Ayah (verses) in Qiyaam is considered a believer.


For various reasons, including our religious commitment, we should recite the Holy Quran. To everyone on earth, the Holy Qur’an is a source of instruction. Reading or memorizing the Quran can help you find your way to life, and Allah Almighty has promised that reading and understanding the Quran “will lead mankind to the depths of darkness to light” (Quran, 14: 1)


How to get a child to memorize the Quran:

Because the Quran is the heart and soul of Islam, all Muslim families make it very important for their children to learn it at an early age. The most frightening part of his memory trip is that of his parents, not the child! Accountability, work, and determination! If you believe in yourself enough to believe that you can help your child, you can easily shape it with love.


Introduce the Children’s Quran to your child as he begins to explore the world around him to help him study the Quran. You will learn the Quran from what you hear, either at home or in the mosque, in the same way as children learn to speak by listening first.


A young child ignores the importance of memorizing the Quran daily. What does the word mean? Why should they give up their free time to read the Quran? When you explain the benefits of memorizing the Bible, they will understand the purpose of these times. Before students memorize the Quran, they should be taught the benefits of doing so. Therefore, encourage your child to read and memorize the Quran.

Set realistic goals:

Set long-term and short-term goals. Set aside time with your child to discuss how many Surahs you want to read each month. Set goals that you can achieve! Consider your child’s ability. Remember that distractions, such as illness, travel, or trials, can occur at the time you set your goal.


The long-term goal is the same as setting an annual goal, perhaps from Ramadan to the next. This will help them stay focused on their goals, and they will remember the Quran without hesitation.

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How long does it take to memorize the Quran online? https://quranclassjoin.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-memorise-the-quran/ https://quranclassjoin.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-memorise-the-quran/#respond Sun, 13 Mar 2022 14:22:41 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=1858 Thousands, if not millions, of Muslims are interested in memorizing a precious book that is being dropped from the sky. After all why? Being a Hafiz-e-Quran is a popular and popular topic, and reciting the Quran, in a way, is a real goal for the lives of all Muslims.

However, memorizing the Holy Quran can be challenging for anyone who does not speak Arabic. Many people try to learn to let go of their ideas in order to prepare for the memorization challenge. Some people, on the other hand, devote themselves to their goal, make an effort, and read the whole Quran.


One question that often arises in the minds of those who think of reading the Qur’an is: “How do I read the Qur’an?” People often ask about the length of time it will take them to memorize the Quran. Non-Arabic speakers tend to be curious about the amount of effort and time it takes to achieve their goal, so having a broad view and data analysis can help them stay focused and organized.


According to evidence-based, evidence gathered from various scholars, it takes 3 to 5 years to master the Quran. Statistics show averages that can vary from person to person by IQ, strength, individual learning and training skills, and the amount of time spent studying.

If you believe you are strong and hard enough, you can be Hafiz in less than two to three years. Adults can complete Tajweed courses in 8 to 12 weeks, depending on how much they study. It takes anything from 6 to 24 months to memorize the entire Quran.

It may take 10 to 20 months to complete the Arabic course. It is determined by the children’s age, fitness, and the help of their parents and teachers.

Contributing Factors:

Over the years, several indicators have been used to estimate how long it takes for a person to recall the Quran. The following are the contributing factors:


  1. Memorizing the Quran aroused your curiosity?
  2. Level of commitment
  3. Mental well-being and satisfaction
  4. Side Businesses
  5. Very good teacher


1- Memorizing the Quran aroused your curiosity?


“Covetousness is a departure from commitment,” as the saying goes. If one had the desire to be a hafiz, one could make an extra effort to read the Quran. Satisfaction and desire can only be reasons. As a result, it is possible to memorize the Quran very quickly.


Level of commitment:


The most important factor in being Hafiz is your dedication; some people are afraid of work and believe that they will not be able to memorize the Quran. While others consider remembering the Quran as a challenge and insist on doing the hard work. They are the ones you want.


Mental well-being and satisfaction:


Mental health is important not only in memorizing this precious document but in any research. You will be able to concentrate fully on your work if your mental health is good, which makes learning easier.


Side Businesses:


It is becoming increasingly difficult to memorize the Quran while managing the time between school, work, and your goal.


Very good teacher:


It can make a big difference in your ability to be Hafiz if you have trained Quran teachers. The level of interest in the study is determined by the teacher who teaches it. You can now hire online Quran teachers to help you memorize the Quran without leaving your house.




It is not difficult to read the Quran. More dedication, hard work, a well-planned program, and a qualified Quran teacher are required, however.

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Importance of Quran memorizing https://quranclassjoin.com/importance-of-quran-memorizing/ https://quranclassjoin.com/importance-of-quran-memorizing/#respond Mon, 16 Nov 2020 14:50:55 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=1104 Education of the Quran is very significant for Muslims as it is their main responsibility. The online Quran Course aims to help the learners (adults and children) to retain the entire or a bit of the Holy Quran. Importance of Quran remembrance for kids – All acclaim is because of Allah, the Lord of such exists, and may supplications of favors and harmony be upon the noblest of the prophets and courier of Allah.

Our educated and master Huffaz having Ijazas to help each understudy with achieving their Quran respect objective. Learning the Quran isn’t just fundamental for grown-ups however it is similarly significant for children. So the parents should be attentive about the essential Quran education for their kids from the Childhood. Today the world has gotten advanced so guardians can profit by Online Quran learning for Kids.

The online Quran places offer this administration so the youngsters can take the Quran training alongside the school instruction. It is a religious and physiological project to memorize the Holy Quran. It is a miracle and a gift from Allah that the Qur’an is available to you. If you have to misuse this gift, you should be in a position to get it to truly try to accomplish it as needed to try to get the most outrageous focal points in this universe and the world from now and into the near future. At Quran Class Join, you and your kids can learn and read Quran online.

We give a direct and convincing system that an understudy can recall the Quran by offering close to no time. A school-going understudy can similarly achieve this phenomenal task in case he/she has the confirmation and premium to pick up capability with the Quran by heart. In-Shaa-Allah. Join online Quran Tuition to memorize the Quran program.

Importance of Quran Learning

Quran isn’t just a book of Allah yet it is a finished lifestyle for all the Muslims. We look for direction from the Quran and get the information about the correct method of going through this existence as indicated by the orders of Allah. Muslims must take in the Quran from their kid’s age. Along these lines, they can rehearse Islam in a superior way. We accept that it is fundamental to learn Quran for kids’ better future.

We accept that the Quran is our otherworldly guide. It is for the whole Muslim people group including all classes of individuals regardless of where they live. Each individual can take the information and exercises from the Quran to live with harmony and serenity both on the planet and the great beyond.

Quran instruction is a light for humankind. Reading of the Quran will be a dazzling light for us on the Day of Decision. Quran is an extraordinary abstract wonder for individuals having a place with all countries, statement of faith, and individuals. As the Quran is a marvel for us, so we ought to peruse it as well as comprehend it cautiously by understanding its implications. Quran instruction is, consequently, the main sort of schooling for Muslims.

Quran Education for Kids

There should legitimate training of the Quran for amateurs. Taking in the Quran from youth is significant for each Muslim. This is because, in youth, we have a new psyche and kids have awesome learning capacities. The kids can learn immediately when they are at the period of learning.

They pick the information rapidly so if we show them the Quran in their youth, they will learn effectively. It will become more effective when they read online Quran. To understand the significance of learning Quran Kareem guidance, we should try to make our children understand what actually the Quran says. What message Allah want to deliver us through the Quran.

Generally, the guardians don’t give Quran tutoring to their children on account of different reasons. They on occasion can’t find a spot where they can get real tutoring of the Quran for their children. Gatekeepers are commonly searching for the best spot for their children to get acquainted with the Quran.

All parents need to make their kids Quran recitation truly lovely. So they are looking for a specialist reciter. Learning the Tajweed procedures can help in presenting the Quran with an ideal voice. The kids ought to likewise gain proficiency with the Tajweed for better recitation.

Benefits of Teaching Online Quran to Kids

Learning Quran online is exceptionally mainstream nowadays. It is particularly extremely beneficial for kids. We need our kids to follow Islam and be acceptable Muslims. Be that as it may, when we don’t locate the ideal spot for our kids from where they can get the Quran instruction then we get baffled.

We, as parents should show our kids the Quran from the beginning. The kids ought not just to get familiar with the recitation with appropriate Tajweed rules, yet they ought to likewise gain proficiency with the implications of the Quran stanzas. On the off chance that the kids will comprehend the expression of Allah appropriately, they will have the option to build up the adoration for Allah and His Prophet (SAW) in their souls. Learning Quran online can enable the kids to embrace the Quran in their lives. From that point forward, they can pick Islam as an arrangement of life.

Why would our children memories the Holy Quran

  • Good position in this life, death, and beyond
  • Allah planning well for your kids
  • They will be the persons of Allah and His special
  • Your child will achieve the status of the decent
  • They are given superiority in the funeral
  • Your kids will have the etiquettes of persons who carry(for example memorize)
  • Highest ranks of heaven for the Memorizer of the Quran
  • Your child will wear the clothes of decency
  • The Quran will mediate for whoever loves
  • The Top Honor for the Parents of the Memorizer of Quran
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