Quran for kids – Quran Class Join https://quranclassjoin.com Lets Learn Quran Pak Online Wed, 30 Mar 2022 03:07:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.5 https://quranclassjoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/OQT-Site-Icon-Blue-150x150.png Quran for kids – Quran Class Join https://quranclassjoin.com 32 32 5 problems with solution in online Quran classes https://quranclassjoin.com/5-problems-with-solution-in-online-quran-classes/ https://quranclassjoin.com/5-problems-with-solution-in-online-quran-classes/#respond Wed, 30 Mar 2022 03:07:07 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=1888 What are the most compelling reasons for your children to avoid online Quran classes? In this article, we discuss 5 problems with solution. Avoid these 5 problems that have been identified in online Quranic studies.

Although there are a few benefits to taking Quran lessons online, Due to the inability of children to focus on how to study their Quran lessons, there are a few challenges they face in all online Quran education. If we take steps to avoid these problems, we will see amazing results with 100 percent certainty.

5 Problems with solutions

Student attention and dedication are the most important aspects of live education. There are a few distractions or distractions that divert the student’s attention from the Quranic command. During online Quran lessons, these are the challenges that scholars and students face. You do not need to worry! With the support of parents and children, we will also come up with solutions to these problems. Let’s take a look, right?

1. Invalid internet connection

During Live Quran studies, poor internet connection may cause frequent disconnections, which may result in temporary suspension. Disruption may cause students to lose focus on their online study of the Quran. Additionally, they may not be able to grasp the key aspects of the lesson. Therefore, these types of online Quran lectures tend to have younger readers.


To ensure seamless communication and effectiveness during Live Quran online lessons, parents should ensure that their children have a very fast internet connection.

2. Have fun in class playing with toys.

Playing with classmates is fun for kids, and they also enjoy playing with their toys. As a result, teens keep their toys close to them when they take Quran times online. This, however, is not a good idea as students’ attention may be diverted from their electronic devices while listening to the teachings of the Quran. As a result, children are not able to concentrate on their Quranic teachings while online.

Read more about “Online Quran Learning For Kids


Find out if your kids’ toys are out of place where they do online Quran programs. You should also make sure that players do not play with their toys while listening to the Qur’anic teacher or discussing what they have learned from the Quran recitation.

3. Food Consumption

Some youths like to eat. Students often eat or chew a variety of foods, fried, chewing gum, and more. However, this is not advisable because eating may interfere with students’ concentration and prevent them from memorizing Arabic letters directly. Because Arabic Tajweed sounds and letters are very important and children may not get the benefits of tajweed. So, eating food while reading Quran online is not recommended.


Ask their children to get snacks and complete their meals before starting the Live Quran lesson. Also, avoid anything fun in the classroom.

4. Get out of the way if you don’t want to be bullied.

Kids love to jump from one place to another. That is why they will be leaving their place to attend an online Quran class. As a result, people may miss out on a critical lesson because of organizational conflicts.


Parents need to know the needs of their children. They have not finished all their classes. Parents should ensure that their children sit in front of a computer during an online Quran session before signing up for an online Quran Academy.

5. Watching TV

The fact that young people continue to watch television during the Quran class is also troubling. The background sound from the TV screen distracts students’ attention and annoys the Quran teacher.


While your children getting online Quran education, you should turn off the television. In addition, the television should not be placed in a room where teens attend Quran times live.

Final thoughts

Our goal is to bring parental attention to specific concerns that occur during a live Quran session so that they do not become a problem. If you can control your anxiety, we can assure you that your children will learn to read Quran online quickly and easily.

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How to learn Quran for kids can be made easy? https://quranclassjoin.com/how-to-learn-quran-for-kids-can-be-made-easy/ https://quranclassjoin.com/how-to-learn-quran-for-kids-can-be-made-easy/#respond Sun, 20 Mar 2022 17:15:32 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=1871 Teaching their children the Holy Quran is the best legacy parents can leave. All Muslim parents hope that their children will always read, love, and live the Holy Quran. In fact, it is a huge burden on parents’ shoulders.

On the other hand, teaching young children is often done in a fast and efficient way. Non-Arab families, in particular, do not follow the Holy Quran while teaching their children.


As a result, young children lose interest in repeating, reading, and understanding the Holy Quran as they grow older. As a result, people are not able to apply Quranic teachings effectively in their daily lives (both at home and at work).


How can reading the Quran for kids be made easier?


There is no equal strategy for teaching children this way. The personality and learning of your child plays a role in studying the Quran. However, we have some suggestions.


Tell the amazing Quranic Stories:


Allah Subhana hu Wata’la has narrated many interesting anecdotes in the Holy Quran. These accounts not only encourage us but also teach us important lessons. Allah Subhana hu Wata’la (Allah Subhana hu Wata’la) says, “Allah Subhana hu Wata’la” (Allah Subhana hu Wata’la) says, “Alla


“We convey to you, [Muhammad], the greatest news of what we have revealed to you in this Qur’an, despite the fact that you were among the ignorant people before it.”


(Read Joseph 12: 3.)


As a result, children’s interest and curiosity will be aroused when stories from the Holy Quran are discussed. On the other hand, they will be able to visualize the Quran. After all, they are going to feel loved and belong to each other because of this.


Quran Recitation for Children:


The benefits of listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran with a deep and steadfast heart are immeasurable. As a result, listening to the Holy Quran may be the child’s first step in learning.


Parents, however, do not teach their children how to recite the Holy Quran. Even when they repeat, some parents do not pay attention to the correct pronunciation, Tajweed rules, or “Makhrij.” As a result, the benefits of the heart will be refined by repetition without hearing and understanding.


Combine listening to the Quran and reading the Quran text:


Next, encourage your child to take a Mashif and try to read a text you did not get before. However, you should not force them to sit down, open the Holy Book, and begin reading Arabic words they have never seen before.


Look at the behavior of Muslims. They had heard it, memorized it, and prayed over it. Some time later, the Holy Quran was compiled as Mashif-e-Uthman, and it began to be read.


Help them to understand the meaning of the verses:


In addition to listening to the Holy Quran daily, tell your children about the conditions and interpretations of key verses. Allah Subhan hu Wata’la asks the believers to meditate on the verses of the Holy Book.


“[This] is a beautiful Book which we have revealed, [Muhammad], that they may think of its contents and be reminded of their minds.”


Saaad 38:29 (Surah Saaad)

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Make your kids fall in love with Islam & Quran https://quranclassjoin.com/make-your-kids-fall-in-love-with-islam-quran/ https://quranclassjoin.com/make-your-kids-fall-in-love-with-islam-quran/#comments Sat, 31 Oct 2020 07:53:36 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=996
Online Quran learning for our kids is such a great achievement, but it does not have to be unthinkable. There are quick, gradual measures you can take that will have a lasting effect on their connection with Islam. Pay careful attention to the way you conduct your adherence to worship, no matter if it is positive or negative since that is the most important teaching you should do for them. So, consider every attempt to approach all facets of faith with excitement and respect. It means you have to be sincere and candid even when circumstances seem difficult like, praying Fajar and fasting in extreme heat. Because what seems tough today will be so much rewarding for you. Following are some practical ideas to make your kids fall in love with Islam & Quran.

1: Make them listen to Quran

You can start this even before your babies are born. While you are still pregnant, Play the Quranic recitation all the time whether you are working or just lounging. After the baby is born you can soothe them if they are crying or feeling stressed. You can find all the verses of the Quran online. As your kids grow up, keep playing Quran recitation around them whenever you can.  It is necessary for the kids to be familiar with the verses of the Quran as eventually, they will start to memorize it. Noorani Qaida will ultimately help to make it easier for them to read & memorize the Quran in the future. Kids can be attentive to a single thing for a very short time so, don’t force them to sit longer. Don’t force them to memorize it, understanding the meaning of the Quran is more important. Try to make them understand the significance of learning the Quran Kareem.

2: Teach them the meaning of every verse in Quran

The biggest heritage parents can leave for their kids is teaching them the Quran with tajweed. As Muslim parents, all of us want to make our kids learn and love the Holy Quran steadfastly. It is in fact a religious obligation for us to teach our kids the context of the Holy Quran. It is important to start religious education at an early age but teaching young kids, is mostly approached in an unwise and rushed way. The Holy Quran says: “[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.” (Surah Sad 23:29) Make your kids focus on the meaning of the verses while reciting or listening to the Holy Quran. Never confuse them with too many details. You only need to catch their attention and as parents, you better understand what to tell them to gain their interest. Adopt a method according to your child’s age to make it convenient for them to follow and learn the Holy Quran.

3: Pray with your kids

Most of the parents do not check their actions when teaching their children the Holy Quran. Therefore, as the kids start to grow older, they lose their interest in reciting, understanding, reading and hifz the Holy Quran. They can learn it in a better way if they see the practical implementation of Islam in our lives. Therefore, you and your kids must pray together. Jamaat prayers are liked by Allah (S). The more people join it, the better it becomes.  If you pray even one prayer with your family, your children will understand that it’s important for you and should be taken seriously. Dedicate a specific area of your house to family prayer and spend quality time while offering prayers with your family.

4: Tell them Quranic stories

“We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’an although you were, before it, among the unaware.” (Surah Yusuf 12:3) In the Holy Quran, Allah has narrated many wonderful stories. These stories teach us some very important lessons while being an inspiration for us. The young kids are always keen on stories so, telling the Holy Quran stories would make them more curious and engaged. At the same time, they can visualize the Holy Quran as kids have a strong sense of imagination. It will build love and a connection between their hearts and Islam. Organize an activity to gather the children and tell them different Islamic stories every day. You can search for stories on the internet to teach your children the fundamentals of Islam, and the Seerah of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

5: End the day with Islamic fundamentals

The children are really open up before going to sleep so it is the best time to tell them important things as they will try to memorize them. You can read an Islamic book instead of a bedtime story. Tell them about the basic concepts of Islam. You can also explain one hadith every night at bedtime. These things will help to end the day on a positive note that has a great effect on how your kids start their next day.

6: Encourage them

“Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” Surah Ar-Ra’d 13:28 Encourage your children emotionally while they listen or recite the Holy Quran. Praise and appreciate them to let them know that they are doing a good thing and making you proud.  Don’t give them materialistic items as a reward.  Try to bring a unique and unexpected gift if you decide to reward them. Don’t forget to read our another article “Online Quran learning for kids“.


Relax and do not try to push your kids to do it more than they can at a time. Don’t make it a job for them to listen to the recitation of the Quran. Be persistent, but you just need a few minutes per day to grab their attention. They will eventually develop interest and listen for longer periods. Never punish them because of this matter as they will associate the recitation of the Holy Quran with punishment. It can scare them enough to just recite or listen to the Holy Quran when being monitored. Keep in mind, the aim is to make them fall in love with Islam & Quran, not only to listen to it just to satisfy you. The more respect they have towards the Holy Quran, the more they will be near to Allah. Quran Class Join and its tutors is also keen to bring you and your children close to Allah.
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Significance of Learning the Quran kareem https://quranclassjoin.com/significance-of-learning-the-quran-kareem/ https://quranclassjoin.com/significance-of-learning-the-quran-kareem/#comments Tue, 22 Sep 2020 08:10:43 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=110
Learning the Quran is one of the noblest acts that any Muslim can do daily. Quran education gives you an understanding of all aspects of life. This takes you back to Allah, and will on the Day of Judgment be evidence of the benefits of your great deeds.


The Holy Quran is a gem of our awareness and education that man may need until the rest of eternity. All knowledge and understanding have their origins in the Holy Quran. We have to get out of the shadow of denial and step into the bright future. Learning the Quran should basic in everyone’s life. Quran Class Join is providing the great platform for Quran learning and reading. The Holy Prophet(PBUH) said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” (Bukhari) Learning the Quran Kareem It’s time to give your kids proper understandings of Islam and help them to get the blessings of the Quran to be a good Muslim. To learn and understand the Quran, the first steps that are most required to enable your children to teach the Quran. The Quran is the greatest wonder of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Learning the Quran

An individual unable to recite and understand the Quran, far from obtaining Allah’s Blessings and properly knowing Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) fundamental message, so, the Quran Learning should an essential part of every Muslim’s life. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “O people I am leaving behind among you the Holy Book (Quran) and the Sunnah (way of Prophet (SAW)) if you follow these in letter and spirit you will never be strayed.” Learning the Quran will guide how to live to follow Allah (SWT) with a meaningful purpose. Human beings’ initial life and the whole world has been spoken about in several verses of the Glorious Quran. That’s why Quran education is most necessary to live a better life for every Muslim. Internet makes it easy to get Online Quran Education. The Holy Quran is the most incredible way of learning about our Islamic religion. It’s Original; no one can add, remove, or alter anything in it; for the Quran is Allah’s Word, and no one can change it. If you have ever wondered about the object of creation, then open and read the Holy Quran. As Allah (SWT) says, “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [Holy Quran | 51:56]

Benefits of Quran Kareem

It purifies the heart from sins and relieves the soul from stress as a Muslim recites the Quran with understanding. The Muslims believe in the death and the eternal life that follows death. In Heaven and Hell, we believe. So much detail about the life of the afterlife is mentioned in the Holy Quran. Allah (SWT) says, “Is the description of Paradise, which the righteous are promised, wherein are rivers of water unaltered, rivers of milk the taste of which never changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of purified honey, in which they will have from all [kinds of] fruits and forgiveness from their Lord, like [that of] those who abide eternally in the Fire and are given to drink scalding water that will sever their intestines.”[Holy Quran | 47:15]
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Online Quran Learning For Kids https://quranclassjoin.com/online-quran-learning-for-kids/ https://quranclassjoin.com/online-quran-learning-for-kids/#respond Mon, 21 Sep 2020 11:20:23 +0000 https://quranclassjoin.com/?p=95

Each parent needs their kids to read the Quran as efficiently as Mishary Rashid Alafasy or Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the top Qari. Desires will not be met until any attempt is put in place. Without training for months and years, we do not expect our children to speak perfect English.

Similarly, in the case of our children reading the Quran, we do not expect that. It takes quite some time to learn every language. As for every other education, a teacher is necessary to help in learning the Quran to the kids.

Learning the Quran for kids from different madrasah – Long process!

Taking the kid to a madrassah nearby is something you can conveniently pick them back. Before making this decision, look out for the following points:

1 – Would this madrassah give your child a one on one session? The chances are that they won’t since a group of kids usually train at the same time. The madrassah teachers then do a round on the students. This means less emphasis on your child/kid, which you can avoid for kids who are just beginners, at least. In brief, you can not get the prompt results you want.

2- Is the madrassah closer to your place? If it’s far out, imagine the time required to drop your child and get the kid back up.

3 – Searching for a madrasa for girls?  If you have older girls, it will be a struggle to find a run female madrassah on your own.

Qur’an self-teaching for children – Not disciplined!

Self-teaching is a perfect way for children to teach the Quran, but ask yourself before trying this:

1- Are you consistent and can teach at a fixed time regularly? If you’re not, then your kid’s going to waste more time. It will become a little difficult to find time every day from your routine to help your kid in learning the Quran.

Quran for kids

2- Are you familiar with all the fundamentals of tajweed? If you haven’t taken a Quran class in a particular way, you won’t be able to help your kids learning the Quran.

Having a Qur’an teacher for your kids to study the Qur’an – Costly!

Having a Qari to come to your residence for your kids to help them to learn Quran removes all the issues involved with having your kids to the madrassah. A positive thing about this is that you get a decent education that is targeted. However, there are only a few things you need to make sure:

1- Will you handle it? Madrassah may be free, although it might take the Qari from $100 to $200 a month for five days a week to come. You could pay about 200 $to 300 $for two of your children

2- Environmental impacts considered? If you live in an environment where rainfall or snow is frequent, you could observe the Quran tutor’s daily holidays. It destroys the energy and momentum of the kid’s Learning the Quran.

Online Quran classes  for Kids Disciplined, Safe, Affordable

All of the hurdles getting your kid to madrassah or having a female mentor for the Quran go away in online Quran classes for your kids. Online reading of the Quran for kids simplifies learning the Quran from an online Quran teacher for your kid. Online Quran classes for your kids make it safe, convenient, committed, and quite affordable.

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